The Local Government Association Workers Compensation Scheme (LGAWCS) provides Members with a fully integrated Claims, Return to Work and Work Health Safety service. All South Australian Councils are Members of LGAWCS.
This concept has ensured that the LGAWCS has effectively managed the impact to the sector of changes to the Work Health Safety and Return to Work Acts, whilst maintaining efficient and effective cost controls for Local Government.
Currently, the LGAWCS provides the following key services:
- Proactive Claims Management
- Preparation and Interpretation of Industry Statistics
- In-House Return to Work Services
- Innovative Return to Work Solutions
- Legislative Advice Training
- Hazard Identification Service
- On-site Visits
- Professional advice on topical WHS and Return to Work issues
- Planning in WHS and Return to Work.
The LGAWCS has recently been awarded the maximum score by Return to Work SA (formerly WorkCover SA) when audited against the Self Insurer Performance Standards.
For further information please contact our office on 8235 6460.